Monthly Archives: March 2022


How to: Stand out in a Crowd

How to: Stand Out in the Crowd Author: Blake Babcock With a staffing and recruiting industry that is so commoditized, there is an increased importance in separating yourself from your competitors. Consider your secret sauce – what is it that makes you stand out in the crowd? How do we as an employer ensure we’re…
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SSE Explained: EOS Scorecard

SSE Explained: EOS Scorecard Author: Blake BabcockWhat does success look like for your company?  What does success look like for each department?  How does the success of individuals performance contribute to the success of their department and ultimate success of the company?One way SSE has measured the success of individuals, departments and ultimately the company…
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EHRWN 101: What to know

EHRWN 101: What’s it all about? Author: Katie ForshaIf that acronym looks like gibberish to you, you are in the right place. We are breaking down exactly what EHRWN is and why you should consider joining! The Executive HR Women’s Network is a group that was started in 2006 by Carmella Calta and SueAnn Naso to…
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5 Tips for Building Your Resume

5 Tips for Creating a Strong Resume Author: Katie Forsha So you're looking for a job? First things first, let’s polish off the ole resume. We chatted with our recruiters at SSE to round up 5 tips for creating your best resume. Let’s dive in! 1. Use keywords throughout your resume Make sure you are…
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