Judi Hrapko, Accounting Associate
Soon to be celebrating four years with Staffing Solutions Enterprises, Judi handles payroll for all of our assignment employees as well as accounts payable/accounts receivable for the agency. She grew up in Levittown, Long Island, New York, down the street from Edward Mahoney who is better known as Eddie Money.
A morning person who will argue that M*A*S*H is the best TV series of all time, Judi enjoys exploring new places and taking day trips to Amish Country. She is also a cat lover who prefers to drive than ride shotgun.
- Biggest lesson you’ve learned in life? Being related by blood doesn’t make people ‘family.’ Don’t keep people in your life, especially blood relatives, if all they bring is negativity and stress.
- Who was your hero as a child? My dad. He taught me how to fish, be my own handyman, to work on cars, cook, shop and to play chess
- Pet peeves: Texting while driving; people constantly on their phones while at a restaurant with friends or family
- Favorite movie(s): An Affair to Remember, Random Harvest, West Side Story, A Christmas Carol (1951 version)
- Currently watching: Stumptown, Emergence, Evil, The Good Doctor, God Friended Me, Ghost Hunters (the new one)