Thank you for your commitment to Staffing Solutions Enterprises ("SSE") and our clients. Notify your SSE office immediately if your job duties differ substantially from those originally described to you by your SSE representative. Your pay rate may be affected.
- Errors and omissions may cause delay in payment. Your timecard must be completed weekly and approved by the authorized company representative of the client.
- The length of any SSE assignment is not guaranteed. It is important to notify SSE at the end of each assignment whether or not you are available for other assignments. Failure to do so may cause you to be ineligible for unemployment benefits.
- You may not operate or drive any motorized vehicle, travel on behalf of the customer or operate any machinery (except office machinery) or handle cash, securities or other valuables without SSE's prior written consent.
- See your Employee Handbook for payroll information and other company policies and procedures.
Execution of this time ticket is your responsibility. You cannot be paid unless the time ticket is signed by you and the client. I hereby certify that this time ticket is true and that I sustained not injuries during the assignment.