The official opening day of the 2020 tax season for individuals will be January 27, which is when the IRS will begin accepting and processing 2019 federal tax returns. April 15 is the deadline for filing your return and paying your tax bill.It’s never too early to start preparing to do your taxes. Here are some tips to help you get started.
Has anything changed since your last filing?
Legal name
Social Security Number
Mailing Address
Review your local tax withholding and report any concerns to
W2’s and ACA documents from Staffing Solutions will be electronic and only available via the payroll portal – please make sure you have access to the portal so that you can download your W2 and ACA forms
Time to make changes to your Federal State deduction (i.e. marriage or child)
Free Filing Options
The earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Coalition provides free federal and state tax preparation for eligible Cuyahoga County residents – those with an income at approximately $60,000 or less.
Returns are prepared by IRS trained and certified volunteers. To schedule an appointment, visit or phone 2-1-1 (you will be given a series of prompts to help you find a site that meets your needs).
The AARP also provides free federal and state tax preparation assistance by IRS trained volunteers. Call the AARP Tax Aid Line to find the nearest location: 888-227-7669 or use their website