People Investment - The Risk is Worth the Reward

Author: Victoria Cohen, Credits: Amy Latchaw

Our Executive HR Women’s Network recently gathered for a professional development learning session on People Investment – The Risk is Worth the Reward. In this session, Amy Latchaw, Client Services Manager at Group Management Services presented to our members on the best strategies for


  • Retaining top talent
  • Evaluating what employees really want
  • Engaging employees creatively outside of the typical benefits


Our members were left highly engaged with Amy’s presentation, which truly put a focus on people being the most valuable asset to any organization.


The truth is, if you’re not investing in your people, you’re not investing in the future of your business. 


Below are the 9 best retention strategies we learned from this session. 

Hiring process

Choose the right people for the right role from the start


Offer competitive Salary and Benefits

Make sure each employee’s value is appropriately compensated, cross-reference the industry standard for the role and industry to ensure that it is competitive


Offer additional incentives

Invest in their professional development through training and networking opportunities


Train effective managers/leaders

Put an emphasis on leadership, communication, and teamwork skills within your leadership team


Encourage a culture of open communication

Build a culture of trust and openly welcome employee feedback


Create clear work objectives

Give clear expectations and set goals, Do consistent performance and annual reviews to check-in with your employees


Understand what motivates employee engagement

Exit interviews help you understand why employees are leaving and lets you know what changes need to be made, stay interviews allow you to interview employees who are staying to learn why they are staying and assess where they see areas for improvement


Seek out employee feedback

Get feedback via one-on-one meetings and surveys, and encourage professional work relationships through social activities


Value work/life balance

Provide flexible work hours or remote/hybrid work opportunities

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