Author: Victoria Cohen

Engage! Cleveland's 7th Annual Next Generation of Women Event Recap

Join us as we reflect on the enlightening discussions and empowering moments from Engage! Cleveland‘s Next Generation of Women event. With our team members Amber Satola and Blake Babcock among the panelists, this event showcased the collective efforts to inspire, support, and uplift the next generation of women in our community and beyond. It provided a unique platform where panelists shared a wealth of wisdom, practical strategies, and uplifting stories aimed at empowering women in the professional realm. Keep reading to explore highlights of this empowering event, filled with invaluable insights and actionable takeaways to propel us forward in our personal and professional journeys.

Conquering Imposter Syndrome

Chinenye Nkemere and Bethany Studenic, Co-Founders of Enlightened Solutions, took the stage to lead a thought-provoking discussion during the first panel on Conquering Imposter Syndrome. Their insights shed light on the profound impact of societal pressures and unfair expectations placed on women in the professional realm. As they peeled back the layers of imposter syndrome, they uncovered the pervasive biases, such as double standards, racism, and misogynistic beliefs, that often serve as catalysts for feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

In a moment of reflection, they suggested evaluating our support systems with a critical eye. They touched on the question of – ‘Do our loved ones, coworkers, bosses, or even mentors truly champion our success, or do they inadvertently undermine our confidence?’ This introspective journey, they stressed, is essential for cultivating resilience and reclaiming our inherent worth. By confronting these biases head-on and surrounding ourselves with supportive allies, we can embark on a path toward empowerment and self-assurance.

Rising Together

In the enlightening second panel, “Rising Together,” we learned from a diverse group of industry leaders, each offering valuable perspectives on fostering collaboration and supporting women’s advancement in the workplace.

Mike Milby, CEO of Ratliff and Taylor, emphasized the importance of active allyship in promoting women’s growth. His advocacy for allowing women to lead sales conversations and meetings rather than placing them in support roles highlighted the significance of empowering women with agency and authority.

Blake Babcock, Vice President of Client Engagement at Staffing Solutions Enterprises, shared his transformative journey in a predominantly female work culture. His endorsement of SSE’s nurturing and inclusive culture emphasized the value of organizational values in fostering gender equality. When asked how we can drive broader cultural shifts towards equity, Blake focused on the importance of the day-to-day commitment to supporting women’s professional development and the power of individual allyship in driving broader cultural shifts.

Jane Christyson, CEO of Girl Scouts of NorthEast Ohio, offered valuable insights into empowering women leaders through intentional self-promotion and proactive leadership development. Her emphasis on preparing oneself for opportunities and practicing assertive communication resonated with attendees, highlighting the importance of self-advocacy.

Marisa Darden, Partner at Benesch Law, drew from her own experiences as the 15th female equity partner and the first African American partner at her firm to emphasize the critical role of sponsorship in overcoming barriers to success. While mentors offer guidance and support, Darden underscored the need for sponsors—individuals who can advocate for you behind closed doors and provide candid feedback to facilitate growth. Additionally, she highlighted the importance of cultivating interests outside of work, not only to maintain a sense of self but also to prevent burnout and effectively compartmentalize work from personal life. Furthermore, Darden outlined three key strategies for women aiming to ascend the corporate ladder: asking for what you want and articulating your goals confidently, cultivating interests beyond your profession to maintain a sense of self, and leveraging sponsorship relationships to overcome systemic biases and position yourself for success.

Work/Life Harmony

In this panel, Janet Reed James, Amber Satola, and Hannah Delis shared their strategies for navigating the delicate balance between professional commitments and personal well-being.

Hannah Delis, Chief Human Resource Officer at Swagelok, emphasized the notion that while a perfect balance may be unattainable, integration and harmony between work and personal life are achievable goals. She highlighted the need to prioritize what truly matters, setting boundaries, and recognizing that work-life harmony is a necessity, not a luxury.

Amber Satola, Workforce Manager at Staffing Solutions Enterprises, echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that work-life balance is an ongoing journey rather than a fixed destination. She advised young professional women to be intentional in their choices, prioritize their well-being, and surround themselves with supportive relationships both in and outside of work.

Janet Reed-James SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Chief Human Resources Officer at CHN Housing Partners, offered practical strategies for maintaining balance. She stressed the importance of disconnecting from work during time off, setting boundaries, and protecting one’s energy. Additionally, James advocated for empathy in the workplace to prevent cattiness stemming from job flexibility issues, highlighting the importance of understanding and support from employers and colleagues alike.

Decide What You Want

In the final session facilitated by June Ryan, CEO and Founder at June Ryan Global Solutions, we dove into the art of goal-setting. Ryan emphasized the importance of setting both short-term and long-term goals, encouraging participants to challenge their perceptions of what can be accomplished in various timeframes. Through interactive exercises, Ryan guided us in imagining and feeling the emotional impact of achieving our future aspirations, visualizing our goals as already achieved. This immersive experience highlighted self-belief and focused intention as precursors to achieving goals. Ultimately, participants gained valuable insights into the transformative power of setting clear goals and believing in their attainability, reinforcing the idea that what we focus on tends to become our reality.

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