Author: SueAnn Naso, Published by: Victoria Cohen

A New Chapter Begins: Acquisition & Leadership Advancements

Wow, what an exciting first few months of 2024 we have had here at Staffing Solutions. Hopefully, you have had an opportunity to engage with us on social media as we kicked off our 50th anniversary celebration in February. Each month February through June, we are highlighting a different decade of experiences and accomplishments here at SSE. April kicked off the 90s decade and it has been so exciting for me to reminisce down memory lane since I joined the company in 1992. When I first joined the company, we managed our candidate and client databases with paper files and Rolodexes, we sent resumes to clients via FAX machine on thermal continuous feed paper and were one of the first companies to embrace technology with the use of WANG computers.


It’s heartwarming to look back and celebrate where we have been, but just as important is spending time focusing on our future and where we want to go for the next several years. One of my long-time goals has been to expand our footprint outside of Northeast Ohio. I am excited to announce that the goal was accomplished on April 1st of this year.  After several months of searching and many conversations with potential firms to partner with, we found the perfect fit. Anthony Bucci and Scott Ventura started their search firm, BV Staffing, over 20 years ago in the Pittsburgh market. After having several conversations with them, it was obvious they approach their business very similar to how we do. They value creating long-term relationships with clients and candidates and get great pride out of helping create transformational opportunities for those they work with. As they come on board as a division of Staffing Solutions, we will help them expand their reach and offer their clients temporary/contract staffing in addition to the search work they are currently doing.  If you’d like to read more about this acquisition and our plans for growth in Pittsburgh, you can access the full press release here.


Another goal of mine is to ensure the longevity and success of Staffing Solutions well beyond the time that I directly lead the organization. As many of you know, we have been operating on EOS since 2021. Since implementing EOS, I have been sitting in both the Visionary and the Integrator seats on our Accountability chart. We have realized that for us to continue to innovate, grow, and transform it no longer makes sense for me to sit in both seats. I am pleased to announce that Rachel Mack who leads Recruiting and Service delivery for us, is being promoted to President of Staffing Solutions and will be taking over the Integrator seat.  Rachel has been with the organization for eleven years and throughout her tenure, has held several different roles and has made a tremendous impact on our success. In this new role, Rachel will be focused on overseeing the day-to-day operations, ensuring budget achievement, and working with the team to overcome barriers and obstacles along the way. This move allows me to focus on continuing to develop meaningful relationships in the community, drive innovation and growth, and support our culture for long-term sustainability and success. If you’d like to learn more about Rachel, you can connect with her on LinkedIn here.

If there is any way we can help support you, feel free to reach out to me any time.


Sue Ann Naso

CEO of Staffing Solutions Enterprises

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