Get Smart About Social Media Before Diving Into Your Job Search

You've worked hard to put together a resume that highlights your skills and achievements and makes you stand out from the crowd. But how much thought have you given to your "online resume" or social media presence?

When actively searching for a job, it's a good idea to be mindful of the information you are sharing (and with whom). According to a Harris Poll survey, 70 percent of employers use social media to learn more about potential candidates.

If it comes down to two equally qualified candidates, a questionable social media presence could take you out of the running. Posts on social media involving inappropriate photos/videos, drugs, alcohol, discriminating comments, and negative comments about previous employers or coworkers topped the list of reasons for not hiring candidates.

Here are some steps you can take to clean up your social platforms and project your best self online:

Make your accounts private
Go into our accounts and adjust the settings so that only friends can see your activity.

Hide or delete any posts or photos that could be seen as inappropriate
Most platforms offer options for hiding or archiving posts so that they are still there, but

Update your online presence
Use appropriate images for your profile and cover photos. Add in a professional bio. Share or post industry-related articles. Follow inspiring companies or leaders.

Incorporating the tips above can help you build an employer-friendly online presence.

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